Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

has been a year to remember.

From our
little island in the sun,
 to quality family time at home.
We have been very blessed.

Recent events
of losing Nathan's, family home in a house fire
Has highlighted the true meaning of Christmas.

Quoting Dr. Seuss:
"What if christmas he thought, doesn't come from a store?
What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Sunday, December 11, 2011

30 Reasons to Celebrate

Happy 30th Birthday to Nathan!

Last night it was Nathan's official B-day!

In a tribute to 30 years ago 
we celebrated his Birthday
80's style!

About 30 of our closest friends and family
helped Nathan embrace the next decade...

There was lot's of
80's music,
Neon pink, blue eye shadow, and big hair!

Lovin the 80's ski pants!
 Old school ski pants even made an appearance!

Speaking of appearances...

It was sooo great to see Steve and Ashley 
who made the 3hour (ish) trip from PEI!

Hey Steve, nice glasses!

And for those who could't make it
Steve improvised and found some substitutes!

The Saba crew!
Angela, Nathan, Joel, Anne!
 It was a very successful night!

Thank you to everyone
who came out to celebrate!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Still here....

I'm still here...

I have been so busy balancing work and school
that I have neglected my blog...
Life is pretty routine
Lacking adventures.

my time off is spent here.
school is winding down ...
Things are ramping up for the holiday season.

I am finding pure happiness is the simplest 'winter' things

Like the first snow fall....

Christmas lights...

my nephew and I watching the parade.
 Cold winter walks with Tim's to keep me warm...

my new iphone (Santa dropped this one off early)
(all pics (thus far) are taken with iphone='s not the greatest quality)

It's our 
2nd Wedding Anniversary
Monday November 21st

Cheers to Two Years!!
I can't wait to see what this year will bring!:)
Love you xoxo

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sew Baby Sew

Since being home
I have worked on a few little projects
for new little people.

Here's a tiny little peek:

My first rag quilt for baby Claire
(I had the privilege to meet and give this to her this week-end)

I was really pleased with how it turned out so soft and cozy!

and another fun textured baby girl quilt
for another special little lady

It's doggie approved!

 I used a mix of fabrics including cotton, flannel, polar fleece, etc...

not quite finished baby boy quilt...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Name change...

A new phase 
requires a new name... 
I am back on the mainland for a while so 
no more island adventures.

Although the jouney is changing,
it is far from complete and
we anticipate many more adventures to come.

This blog started out as a way to
stay connected with loved ones.
However it has now become much more than that.

Like a photo album, journal, or diary
it is a source of treasured memories
representing a window
into our past and current lives
documenting our life's adventures.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Transition Home...

It's hard to believe
almost Four weeks ago
I packed my bags
and said Goodbye to island life...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
So it is about time I share some pictures from my journey
 last island adventure
(within the forceable future).

Waiting for the plane...
Oh tiny little Winair, you are an experience!
It is coastlines like this that make everything at home look flat!

Prior to flying home we enjoyed a few days in St. Martin
where we maximized our beach time!
St. Martin

Although I already really miss
the S.O.S. ladies, the Sun, Sand, and Warm ocean waters
just to name a few...

It is great to be home with family and friends.
Despite, the fact that, at times it has been quite chilly
We did managed to squeeze in some Canadian beach time
on beautiful Cape Breton Island, NS

Dad, Mom, and Me

Dad and I floating down a place we call "the gut"

Nathan and I in Cape Breton, NS

Hanging with Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Ghram Bell

I have also officially transitioned back into the working world.
I am back to work in the pediatric OR
at the IWK Children's Hospital.

I LOve that place.
It feels great to be back to work
(kinda like I never left)
13 months sure did fly by...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week-end Getaway: St. Barts

We returned to St. Barts
for a week-end getaway

Nathan Relaxed
Reasons for returning:
a) from where we are it's a pretty easy travel
b) we had some unfished business
(beaches not seen, pasties not eaten)
c) it is my ideal place

The stars really lined up for us to arrive on the first boat.
We had not a minute to spare
before we would have missed the boat from
St.Martin to Gustavia, St.Barts.

Gustavia, St.Barts
In order to make our boat
and to keep things simple
we traveled with only a carry-on each
Doing so we sacraficed our computers.
It is amazing how addicted to our computers we each are.
It was a good experiment to be unplugged for a few days.
It turns out.
In the right setting
It's not that hard after all.

Gustavia, St. Barts
 We stayed right downtown Gustavia
and had a great waterfront view of the harbor
We enjoyed many nice morning and evening walks along the water front
and various beaches around the island.  
Although we weren't that great at taking pictures...oops
Our car :)

The Beach and Baguette's ='s Perfection

More beaches: Anse des Flamandes
Hello Franklin!

Look at those cute little feet!

 St. Jean beach
is at the end of the runway

 This rope is the barrier between
having fun at the beach and airplanes.


It was the perfect weekend getaway
We LOve St. Bart's
and hope to visit again someday.