Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Beginning of Our Grandest Adventure

Well, to say the least, it been a while...

SO much
has happened since my last post...

Nathan and I
closed the United States chapter of our lives
(at least for now)

Making the long (>3600km) drive
from Shreveport, Louisianna to Nova Scotia, Canada
(all with a stow-away in toe)

Angela & Nathan April 2013- Brooklyn, New York
Since moving back to Nova Scotia
we have been crazy busy.
We have both been doing clinical rotations.
(Thankfully, that is also wrapping up (at least for a short while) 

They say:
"When one door closes, another door opens"
  -Alexander Graham Bell

In our case the first door hasn't quite closed...

However, as most everyone already knows,
the next door is due to open mid August 
with the much anticipated arrival of
Baby St.Onge.

20 weeks vs 37 weeks!
 It's amazing what 17weeks will do!

Although we still have
many unknowns ahead of us for the next year
school, residency, jobs, moves...

Baddeck, Cape Breton, 2013
One thing we know for sure is
this baby is coming into a world of love.

Waiting for baby
The countdown is on and
we are very excited to meet
Baby St.Onge 
and begin this new and grand adventure
of raising a family together.

that's all that really matters.
