Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to school Blues

Even though I knew all along i was going back to school. I guess it didn't feel real as I didn't do any back to school shopping. I didn't even get any new school supplies, the perks of living with a student I guess;) on my first day of school, I had to wait until lunch time before I had access to my online courses due to the timezones. But I 'attended' my first day and I didn't even have to leave my bedroom. Nathan jokes with me and says i am going to try and get my whole masters from bed. i wish that were true but often the internet doesn't work very well from bed:( Therefore I started using one of Nathans tables as a desk, he had two tables pushed together. apparently I was invading his personal space because i came home one day to find he pushed the tables apart and made me my own desk... It was actually really nice, but i like to give him a hard time. So I am a student again and it is going to be a lot of work, maybe the crazy lady who told me not to take this many classes had a point, but i'll prove her wrong...I just have too! Other than reluctantly getting back into school mode I have been really busy meeting all kinds of new people on the island, mostly other wives or significant others of students and professors. One of the girls does Zumba dance two nights a week, it is so much fun! It is Latin/dance infused aerobics. and I am taking up sewing/ quilting Thursday mornings. this week was our first lesson and we are making pot holders:) I will keep you posted and promise some more big photos now that I know how to get them~*Angela

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