Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good bye Earl

Earl had to die...Our first hurricane in the tropics was exciting, all the Saban locals were like busy little beavers preparing for the storm and then cleaning up afterwards. Earl was very windy and rainy, but besides a little flooding at our back door (which I helped by cleaning out the gutters during the storm)...We were living in the lap of luxury compared to many people on the island. Our apartment has a generator, so the people who own the building lets us use it for most of the day during meals times especially. They actually hosted a dinner party for us and our other friends, Joel and Anne. It was delicious. The next day the boys, Nathan and Joel headed off to school but returned home as there were no profs and hardly any students. As most were stuck in st. martin due to the storm so they have a few days extra vacation. Although they are going to probably make up the time on the weekend:(


  1. Hi! Sounds like you're having a fabulous time! The pictures look great, I bet you're never coming home! I'd love to see larger pics, but there doesn't seem to be that feature (or is there?) eyes are failing!
    Take care & hello to the doctor,

  2. We miss you very much at work Angela and have thought of you lots since you left, especially with Earl harassing you guys. Hopefully Nathan started school today! Love you and I'll be following your fanastic island adventures!!! Love, Lori
