Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Carribbean Thanksgiving:)

It's been a while since I posted something.
Lot's has happened in the last month and it's hard to know where to start. 

The major drama in our world was the torrential rain for four days last week and the subsequent ankle deep flooding of the whole apartment. 
Eventually it stopped. 
And we (with lots of help from our friends) 
were able to mop up the water. 

At first we thought it was the cisterns overflowing. 
But above them was the only dry place in the whole apartment so the source of the water remains a mystery. 

Thankfully the rain stopped in time for the weekend, no planes or boats, (including boats with food) were able to come to the island for almost a week, our food supply was getting low! We had planned on going out to eat friday night but the restaurant was closed due to a lack of food! 

The boat came saturday and our friend Steve's parents Al and Anne from PEI were able to arrive safely at their expected time. They bought us the only turkey on the island! 
It was so nice to have parents around, even if they weren't mine;) 

Together with Steve's mom and my friend Anne, we prepared a traditional Canadian Thanksgiving dinner for ten Canadian friends, in full celebration of the 'real' Thanksgiving. It was a taste of home and nothing on this island has tasted so good:) That is until I make my favorite, Turkey soup:)

From Left to Right: Joel, Anne, Me(Angela), Nathan, Deven, Vlaid, Jason, and Steve

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