Saturday, September 10, 2011

Transition Home...

It's hard to believe
almost Four weeks ago
I packed my bags
and said Goodbye to island life...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
So it is about time I share some pictures from my journey
 last island adventure
(within the forceable future).

Waiting for the plane...
Oh tiny little Winair, you are an experience!
It is coastlines like this that make everything at home look flat!

Prior to flying home we enjoyed a few days in St. Martin
where we maximized our beach time!
St. Martin

Although I already really miss
the S.O.S. ladies, the Sun, Sand, and Warm ocean waters
just to name a few...

It is great to be home with family and friends.
Despite, the fact that, at times it has been quite chilly
We did managed to squeeze in some Canadian beach time
on beautiful Cape Breton Island, NS

Dad, Mom, and Me

Dad and I floating down a place we call "the gut"

Nathan and I in Cape Breton, NS

Hanging with Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Ghram Bell

I have also officially transitioned back into the working world.
I am back to work in the pediatric OR
at the IWK Children's Hospital.

I LOve that place.
It feels great to be back to work
(kinda like I never left)
13 months sure did fly by...

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys were in Paradise! You must love your work;that's great.I enjoy mine except when we don't have enough staff which is often.Just got home from work worked 3-11 so going to bed now...Bye...Ann white
