Sunday, June 10, 2012

North-West Weekend Adventure

We spent this weekend in 
Edmonton, Alberta. 

First: it was great to be in Canada
(Even if it was the opposite side).

Second: Canada is relatively Cold.

At the last minute
 Nathan was able to join me which was oh so wonderful!

It was a great week-end 
and conclusion to my Master's of Nursing degree.

Since I did my degree through distance
 this was the first time I had met many of my professors and classmates in person. 
It was wonderful to meet these people!

Athabasca University 
provided a very nice graduation ceremony and day. 

We also had some extra time to fullfill one of Nathan's childhood dreams:
"Going to the West Edmonton Mall."
most importantly
 visit some of our western-bound friends.
(Mark, Karen, Baby Angus, and Katie)

Oh so Canadian: Tim's coffee over looking a hockey arena

We had quite the rustic tour of Alberta, 
visiting the small towns of Athabasca and Red Deer.

Next time we make it to Alberta
when we have more time 
and are better organized 
we will be sure to visit 
Calgary and the Mountains.


  1. Congratulations Angela!! You have worked so hard. We were really happy that Nathan was able to join you on your special day. You sure are racking up the "Adventures"! Glad you had a memoriable weekend.
    xo Trudy
