Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saba- Back to Basics

Getting back into a groove on Saba. After traveling around a few islands, I defiantly miss the beaches, but the pool helps with that. I enjoy Saba’s uniqueness, I like feeling safe. It is back to basics. The simple life is hard. I wake up really early (6am) because it gets hot so fast, until the sun is over the other side of mount scenery it stays pretty warm. Yesterday, I decided I should make a lot of bread products from scratch, so I bought flour and baked bread, hamburger buns, and cinnamon rolls for a treat. I also planted a vegetable garden, so hopefully if it takes off I will have fresh veggies. This was hard work, we got the dirt from the side of the road and filled a whole bunch of buckets and bags with soil. There was a whole bunch of empty pots in a storage room here, so I was able to use them to plant tomatoes, green beans, lettuce, herbs, etc…Well see if any grow! Today is all about hurricane preparation. We heard about a storm watch yesterday so we bought extra water and food just in case. Every window has shutters and they are all getting closed in preparation. People here are defiantly taking it in a more serious tone than what I’m used to. (Although at the supermarket a lot of people were buying booze and cigarettes).  Every house we can see has its shutters closed and/ or windows boarded. The boats are out of the water and all flights are cancelled until Tuesday. We feel very fortunate we are not still on the road, stuck in transit like all most of Nathans classmates. Most likely we will get high winds and a lot of rain and lose power at some point but we're prepared! I hate to say it but I like the anticipation and hype of storms~Although it is dark in here with the shutters closed..eek! It is interesting experiencing the preparation of a storm in another culture. They are turning off the electricity to the island at 8pm tonight, the storm is not predicted to arrive until twelve hours later at 8am. this is a very strange concept to me but it's all part of the experience. we have our flashlights ready, a bucket of water for the bathroom... (Good thing I know about that stuff from going to the cabin in Framboise). All my seedlings are brought inside for the day so they don't get washed away, so I think were ready:)

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