Friday, February 11, 2011

~*Mountain Goats*~

Mountain Goats.
as in 
We are the mountain goats.
We've been hiking lots.
and lots.

Day two
 We hiked the Sandy Cruz trail through the rain forest. This is my favorite hike, Mom and Dad enjoyed it too.

The hike ends in the Bottom.
This is where we rented a car.
and ate lunch at the Saba Coffee house
 (this opened very recently and I am in love with the Lattes)

Relaxing at Well's Bay
(I don't think dad enjoyed that steep road)

Next, we hiked the Ladder, I just couldn't tire them out!
The fact that this was the old customs house never gets old!
this was a beautiful hike with great views of the Caribbean Sea and several yachts.

Our rental car was an experience as it did not come with gas and we ran out of gas in our friends driveway
(could have been worse)
So Mom and Dad got a treat and got to experience 'The Van' 
Or as we like to call it: Our Saban Limo

Day Three
 Due to a lack of fuel we hiked to the Sulfur Mine trail
We saw lots of goats!

While we were there, our very good friend got us some gas 
and by the time we returned to the car we were ready to go!
It's all an experience:)
I actually succeeded in tiring them out, so we relaxed until it was time to eat dinner at the Ecolodge.
This included a presentation about Saba and the Rain forest.
The food, as always, exceptional

Day Four
Since Dad is now driving like he is Saban, Mom and Dad dumped me so I could do some school work (Boo)
They drove around, looked at houses (some things never change), met some friends, went hiking, ate lunch, and had a great time.

Nathan was home from school early so we all went to see the Tide Pools
Mom and Dad say it feels like walking in an old ash pan
(Guess who are from a coal mining town?)

 Off to St. Martin...

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