Wednesday, February 2, 2011

~*Sunday Dives*~

I just got some pictures from our Sunday Dive. 

We used to go on Sunday Drives... But... one road leaves little options...
  We traded in our wheels for fins.

It was a great dive. the dive site was called 50/50. It was a maximum depth of ~70ft.

Anyways, it was our best dive yet!
 We saw so many cool things...

 Lots and lots of tropical fish, two sea turtles, a sting ray, and a shark!

Nathan and Angela
Deep down, part of me has always wanted to be a mermaid. 
I just always thought it would take less equipment.
I am defiantly getting better at controlling my buoyancy. but there is still a long way to go.
Where is King Triton when you need him?

Tarpon. These crazy fish literally just 'hang' out

Sting Ray!

That's our shark. It's a nurse shark. (How could it be bad?)

Not the scariest shark in the world, but still very cool! 

Our dive group.

We lOve sea turtles. 

Yes. we really were this close. to everything.

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