Tuesday, March 1, 2011

~*In Like a Lion, Out like a Lamb*~

Happy March 1st Everyone!

I CAN'T believe it is March already...
Time flies...when you are having fun...

I find, due to, endless sunshine 
I am very confused regarding the date and season.
If asked the date quickly, I may not mass a basic mental status exam...
But I have always enjoyed the old March saying
"In like a lion, out like a lamb" 
And thought I would share how our March 1st looks here on Saba Island

Hello Caribbean Sea
 As you can see...
It's Definitely "In like a lamb" 

Clear view of Mount. Scenery

Other views from our cottage
I suspect it will also be "out like a lamb

Pretty flowers, outside our door, which remind me of Pointsettias...
not much new going on here
study and writing papers
And I had lots of (too much) fun last week with the island girls
hiking, going out for lunch, sewing
And the Countdown
until Our friends Andy and Nicole 
come to visit has started!!!

1 comment:

  1. It does look like a pointsettia. Very pretty. Well Ange, I'm sorry to report that I have no memories of March 1st this year, which I guess means it came in like a lamb as well. If there are any lions rearing their fuzzy heads at the end of March, I'll let you know!
