Sunday, March 6, 2011

~*Savvy Saban Segments: Cashew Tree*~

Inspired by a conversation 
Nathan and I were having 
regarding all the interesting things we have
 learned and/ or experienced
since, moving to the Caribbean

For the next couple weeks
in Savvy Saban Segments
I have decided to Showcase some
 facts, tidbits, and fyi's
ALL about Saba, island life, and the Caribbean 
I am excited about this as it will force me to pay closer attention to the details of our experiences and it will hopefully paint a clearer picture of our island home!

as promised.

Cashew Trees.

Cashew Tree
I was and am Amazed and Fascinated with Cashew trees.
They are kinda strange looking.
My first instinct was: Cashew trees, I Love Cashews.
I imagined eating cashew nuts...
Cashews nuts, themselves cannot be shelled and eaten right off the tree.
They MUST be Roasted.
The cashew nut, which is technically, a seed is found in a kidney shaped shell.

Cashew fruit just starting to bud.

Ripe and Ready Cashew fruit
Inside this shell, surrounding the nut is a poisonous liquid.
Wikipedia identifies this irritant as similar to the poison/ irritant found in poison ivy.

My next brilliant idea was that I could pick them and roast them in the oven.
Wrong again.
 A Brief Google search lead me to the Tropical Permaculture.
They describe the process and safety precautions necessary to roast cashews.
You need to wear protective gear, such as long sleeve, pants, gloves, mask, roast in a well ventilated area.
They warn you not to breath in the fumes...
No wonder cashews are so pricey!
Nathan's question about all this is:
 'who decided they wanted to eat that nut, that badly?'
We love cashews. But.
I agree and will be leaving the roasting of cashew nuts to the professionals.

ALL is NoT loSt...

As it turns out the cashew nut is not the only edible part of the cashew fruit.
The Cashew Apple, the round, yellow part, from which, the nut extends.
Is an edible, sweet, and juicy fruit!

Freshly picked cashew apples.
I think they are a novelty and delicious.
You just break the cashew seed/nut away and enjoy!

The cashew apple is very delicate and fragile and is the reason why they are not exported for sale.

The Goats like them too!


  1. What a wonderful idea. I really enjoyed this.

  2. Darn! I mean thanks for the info. But darn!

  3. Thanks for the info. I thought that I could just roast them too!

  4. They are pretty and I'm sure, delich. I'll try to appreciate cashews more!
