Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Challenge Accepted

A few weeks ago
(prior to our vacation)
Nathan and I (mostly me) were getting island fever
So we decided to try something new and
test our limits with a challenge

The challenge:
To hike
All of Saba's 2855 ft
from Sea level to the very top
(the top of Mount. Scenery)

Mt. Scenery from Spring Bay
that is just what we did!

It started out as a beautiful, hot, sunny day
We hiked from our cottage down the Spring Bay trail to Sea level
Of course we made sure we touched the water!

Cati along the Spring Bay Trail

The town of Windwardside 
is conveniently about half way up the mountain
We refueled with a picnic lunch in the park

The '"kids" playing in the park

Only 1064 more steps to go!

On our way up we had great views!

We are getting into the clouds now...

Windwardside from Top of Mt.Scenery
Airport (top), Hell's Gate (left), Windwardside (right)

And then the clouds really came...

And then
 it rained
and when it rains, it pours
we got soaking wet.
all in all, it was a 
fun-exhausting-satisfying day
Or at the very least 
I was way too tired to care about island fever!

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