Tuesday, June 14, 2011

~*Savvy Saban Segments: three: Cisterns*~

Time is flying.
I can't believe almost a month has gone by...oops
It is two months to the day until I say:
"So long, see you later," to the Caribbean.

 I better share some more unique things
about my little island in the sun
Before time runs out!

Of all things Saba life has taught me
Water conservation 
is the most obvious.

There are no lakes, ponds, rivers, or steams.
The only source of fresh water
for drinking, laundry, dishes, showering, etc...
 is Rain.
The whole island functions and depends on rain water.
Each house has a cistern.
Rain Falls
Catches on the Saba Red Roofs
collects and washes down the gutter...
through a pipe

Pipe from our roof to our cistern...
into the cistern
for household use

That's our Cistern!
Even public buildings
demand water consciousness

These signs are EVERYwhere... it take some getting used to;)

Even though I think cisterns are a great idea
and I feel very
A LOoong, hot, shower is High on my list
of must do things
as soon as I get home!


  1. You forgot to mention that you even "let is mellow" at friend's houses. Because you "only peed a little". That was seriously one of my funniest moments with you here!
