Thursday, August 4, 2011

I've come SEW far...

I have finally finished my third quilt.
(Just in the nick of time, only 1 and 1/2ish weeks of island life left)

It is another bright and colouful tribute to the Caribbean.

Island Time Quilt, Made by Me!

The Pattern is "Sexy Hexy" by Amy Butler.
The back.

This quilt concludes my sewing days in the Caribbean.
It is hard to believe just one year ago, I didn't even know how to thread a machine!
I have truly LOVED our weekly sewing group.
Thank you to the SOS sewing ladies for making it so much fun!
A very special thanks to
Sally for opening her home and heart to us each week
and teaching us the love and art of sewing and quilting


  1. Angela - I have loved every minute of the SOS, sewing and being with you girls. I can't believe all that you have taught me - blogs, tutorials etc.!


  2. it was probably my most favourite thing about Saba. Thanks Sally and thank you Angela for convincing me to go!
