Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

If this is true...
Watch Out!
Nathan and I 
should be plenty fond of one another!

From Amherst, France, Newfoundland, Saba, and now Kansas city...

3, 414km apart...

My brother Craig and I were talking and agreed
Nathan and I could write a 'how to' guide.

But since writing a book is not in either of our futures...
here are some of the thing which make it so much easier:

1) FaceTime, iMessage, & Skype
we joined the smart phone world and it was worth every penny!
Unlimited imessaging and talk with Facetime is fantastic...
I even helped him hang pictures in our apartment.
He just proped me up and I directed him...
Gotta love technology!
My parents talk about their, much different, long-distance experience:
 Feeding the pay phone, once a week, with coins...Yikes!

2) Friends and family
We are both lucky to be surrounded by great friends and family.

3) Airplanes
As much as face-to-face chatting and friends help.
Nothing can beat being together.
Thank you Wright brothers!
I am planning another trip in 19 days...
but whose counting;)

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