Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our week-end at the Lake of the Ozarks

Inspired by 
a book we found last week-end 
we are really trying to make the most of our week-ends:

Our latest week-end adventure was 
~3hours south-east of Kansas city
to the Lake of the Ozarks

It is another huge body of water supported
 by the construction of a damn.
See how windy it is...
The Lake of the Ozark's can be a very posh experience, 
lots of resorts along the lake, huge yacht clubs, and marinas...

However we camped at the State Park.
Nathan, especially, enjoyed being in the woods!

We arrived at the park Friday night around 9pm 
and set up camp in the dark.
 It was totally worth it to wake up all ready to go in the morning. 
There was SO much wildlife in the park, 
deer (we probably saw 100), racoons, possums, and armadillo's

Armadillo's are curious little creatures!
Mama deer got all in a huff as we got close to her babes...oops!
We spent Saturday on the lake
We rented a kayak 
It was fantastic!

we explored more of the Missouri country side...
Crossing this old wooden swinging bridge 
while it creaked and cracked was an experience.

It is also so sad to see miles-and-miles of dead corn...

On our way home 
listening to the radio 
we heard that the Sate fair was happening in the 
town of Salina, Missouri.
It wasn't, too far, out of our way so we stopped in...
To me, it looked like the picture of a classic Midwest town.


We did check out the fair but, didn't go in...
Not yet,
We are planning on returning next Saturday!

~All for now 

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