Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Colorado Rockies

We had a fantastic week-end
 in the Colorado Rockies.
This was my first time in the Rocky Mountains
and maybe it is ridiculous but,
although I knew they are called the "Rocky Mountains"
I was surprised, by the fact that, they are indeed very rocky.
Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park
Early saturday Nathan and I met in Denver, Colorado.
We rented a car and drove ~1&1/2 hours 
to Estes Park, a small mountain town 
at the gateway of the Rocky Mountain National Park.

Estes Park, the Red & White hotel is where Steven Kings The Shining was filmed.
The mountains are breathtaking!

Our first day we arrived mid afternoon.
The drive into Estes Park was beautiful,
 we especially enjoyed the drive around the Trail Ridge Road
Trail Ridge Road, a very scenic windy mountain road.
We saw lots of Elk on our drive!
Feeling small in a great big world!
I'm on top of the world!

We packed as much mountain time as we could into three days
By that I mean,
we hiked, hiked, and hiked!
There are so many trails it was hard to decide which ones to choose...

Day two we hiked to Chasm lake (8.4 miles & 11,760 ft)
 and Day three Flattop mountain (8.8 miles & 12, 324ft)
(although due to a midday storm we didn't actually summit Flattop)

Starting the climb to Chasm lake
Friendly ground squirrels!
Getting closer to tree level
It was amazing how short of breath and cold we got 
as we hiked higher and higher...
In the tundra, above tree level
Chasm Lake & View of longs peak
*Beautiful views from Chasm lake trail*
Crystal clear glacier water
Day three
Hiking to Flattop:
Above Emerald Lake
Brr, Nathan is freezing in the tundra on Flattop
*Views from Flattop*
Our last little hooray before heading back to KC
was a walk and picnic along Bear Lake.
Bear lake
The Rockies are beautiful,
it was a great way to end summer 2012.

We can't wait to explore them again, 
maybe next time with ski's!

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