Saturday, April 30, 2011

St. Barts

It was LOVE, LOVe, LOve, 
at first sight

1 hour 15 minute ferry from St. Martin to St. Barts

 St. Barts
is beautiful, clean, posh, and French
Since these are a few of my favorite things
I was in Caribbean heaven
~*Sun, Sand, Beaches, Baguettes, Croissants*~

Just a few Yachts in Gustavia, St. Barts
And a few more.....
Crystal clear water

Our student budget
had us staying at a quaint little B&B
The Normandie Hotel

Normandie Hotel Pool Deck 

The hotel was Nautical themed

It was a cute boutique style hotel/ B&B
with clean and friendly staff and
French breakfast
All at a reasonable price
withing walking distance to beautiful Lorient Beach

Colourful sign and cans for cigarette butts...oh the french
Our stay on St. Barts 
was short and sweet
We rented a car 
and toured the whole island with ease
We Loved, loved, loved, every minute of it
We sampled a few beaches
Saline Beach *tres belle*
Lorient Beach *Great Surf*
Shell Beach *Unique*

Shell beach 
truly lives up to its name
the whole beach is covered with sea shells

She sells sea shells by the seashore
Steve, Nathan, Anne, Joel
St. Barts 
is also known for high end shopping
We shopped (mostly window) in the two towns/cities
Gustavia (the port and capital) and St. Jean (the airport)

Even the graveyards are ridiculously beautiful on St.Barts
Cotton Plants... it really feels like cotton!!!
Beach side Hut for Lunch
Checking out the Surf
The St. Barts highlight was definitely 
Surfing on Lorient beach

Nathan, Joel, Steve
The boys were so happy and excited
It was as if Christmas came early!

Surf's up!
I also joined them Surfing
I had previously tried surfing, a few times, at home in the cold Atlantic
All I can say is 
warm water makes it much more pleasurable
I can't wait to try it again :)

Nathan & Angela
I was SO sad to leave St. Barts
It has everything you could EVER want right at your finger tips
The pain was eased slightly 
when we realized our Travel Club 
were  the only people on the plane!
Private Planes.... this is how we roll ....
So we ended our St. Barts experience
In Style
with a private "charted" Winair flight   

St. Barts Airport
 All in all
no one could imagine a better vacation
Beautiful islands + Great friends ='s 
The Perfect Vacation
Some might even call it
Legend.... wait for it... dary

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