Friday, April 1, 2011

~*Volcanic Activity*~

After hundreds, maybe thousands of years...
The dormant volcano, which makes up the island of Saba 
and our current home, has become active.

At first
 Since, the top of Mount Scenery is often covered by clouds
I and most people did not notice anything unusual.

Scientist from the Caribbean Volcano Watch Society
have been very busy trying to figure out what is happening.
They have assured us we are in no immediate danger.
But we should no longer hike to the top of Mount Scenery.

They do not really know what has triggered this volcano to re-activate
However, the neighboring volcanic island of Monserrat 
was dormant and suddenly became active in the 1990s.

We have been assured 
that people have been living happily and safely on Monserrat 
and this activity will be monitored very closely by the Volcanic Watch Society.

Volcanic Activity on Mount Scenery, taken from our cottage.
For more information click here

April Fools Everyone!!!
(I live on a small island, gotta keep myself amused somehow;)


  1. hhahahahaha you totally got me!

  2. April 1 is a special day!!

  3. Bruce, it sure is!

    Anne, ha didn't think I could be so convincing:)

  4. Actually, you clowns don't realize how close you were to leaving Saba, ha ha ha.....
