Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good times in the Maritimes: Part 3

I had a Great trip home 
to Nova Scotia, Canada!

My Brother Chris and I 
The weather was fantastic!
I got to spend lots of quality time with family and friends.

Weddings, BBQs, long sunny days, Shopping with momma, 
walks with Riley dog, 
camping, and music festivals 
Filled my days:)

I had SO much fun I hardly took a photo...oops

I have a few pictures of Halifax, Nova Scotia
which I would like to share to entice our friends, from afar,
 to come visit us 
(when we return, of course)


Citadel Hill and Town Clock

The Halifax Waterfront:

Tall Ships:

My favourite ship:
Theodore the Tug Boat!
Harbour Views:

Once again
It is Farewell to Nova Scotia.

This is bittersweet,
as I am sad to leave my family and friends 
(and the coast)
But very excited to be reunited with Nate-dogg!

Kansas city, here I come!

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