Sunday, July 8, 2012

International Children's Heart Foundation Mission: Ecuador

I just got back from
my first medical mission.

I went as part of the
International Children's Heart Foundation 

In Guayaquil, Ecuador

Guayaquil from the Hotel
It was more challenging
than I EVER could have imagined.

The Hospital 
The supplies...eek!
The OR where I spent most of my time
During one looooong case we improvised with an NG tube
and I drank some much needed sugar!
It was a lot to get used to:
 -working in a less-than, state-of-the-art facility
-working very, very, long hours
- in foreign language
-with people from around the world
-Including local people with varying amounts of knowledge and understanding.

Some of the ICHF Team!
The Canadian Nurses!
Despite these challenges,
 It was
also very rewarding.
Some of the kids and their parents at the Farewell party!
A very happy family!
Such a nice and happy patient!
Another happy patient!
Another happy patient and Momma!
It wasn't all work and no play either
As a team,
we made the most of our, limited, time off.

We even took a trip to the beach.
(Las Playas, Ecuador)
It wasn't very sunny but the southern pacific ocean was nice and warm!

Heading to the beach!
Coconuts for sale!:)
The Team chill axing!
Las Playas, Ecuador
Beach front walk, Las Playas, Ecuador

During our beach trip 
we had a beautiful, casual, seafood lunch:

Cheers to Ecuador!
So yummy!
We also saw an orchid garden/ green house

Beautiful Orchids!
One evening
we finished our day in the early evening and took advantage of this:
Downtown Guayaquil.

Compared to the area our hospital was located
It is very, very nice!

Downtown Guayaquil

The Riverfront walk is especially beautiful!
Monument on the riverfront walk
Me on the Riverfront walk, Guayaquil

The old hilly section of Guayaquil was my favourite!

I love the colourful houses and windy streets!
Me and two ICHF team members!
To get to the top of the hill
we had to climb many stairs...

Each corner was more beautiful than the next!

My lovely team members and tour partners
Yen, Angela, Louis, and Darby

On top of the hill 
was a lighthouse, a quaint church, and beautiful view of Guayaquil.

Hill top, Guayaquil, Ecuador

This mission was an experience!
It challenged me in many ways, but I feel better for it.
Seeing the kids feeling, oh so much, better was wonderful
I was lucky to meet many wonderful team members 
whom I hope to work with again sometime soon!

I am home in Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
(For about two weeks)
Dorthy said it right
"There's no place like home"


  1. Angela - what an amazing experience! I enjoyed hearing little updates from Nathan while you were there, he seemed a little worried at times with your long days in the ER, but what an impact you made with all your hard work.

    Hope to see you back in KC soon!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I will be back a week from today!
