Monday, July 30, 2012

Camping: Smithville Lake, MO

We spent the week-end camping!

This was our home for two nights
Neither of us wanted to travel very far, 
so I searched for campgrounds close to Kansas city.

I found Smithville lake, it is about 40min north east of Kansas city

Like many of the lakes in Missouri it is man-made.
Supported by the construction of a damn. 
This explains the odd, spindly shape of the lake 
and the large dead trees located in some areas.

Remaining evidence that this was not meant to be underwater

there were also many beautiful parts of the lake 
and it is very popular in the boating world.

Plus the highlight for us was the fantastic biking trails around the lake.
We biked 54 kilometers Saturday!

We had a great time camping!
Although, It wasn't exactly the forest (Nathan was hoping for)

The weather was perfect, the biking trails were great, and
we had a fantastic view of the lake and sunset.
Plus despite the drought we were still able to have campfires!


Nathan and I watching the sun go down or as he says:
 "Here you have to wait for it to rise in China"

Oh and of course 
we made good use of the BBQ Nathan's parents
gave us, while they were visiting.

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